We prefer to use up-to-date technologies. We believe it’s the foundation of a stable web application.
With Laravel, we create robust and scalable web applications that seamlessly integrate potent features, intuitive user interfaces, and secure backend functionality.
We create visually stunning and highly functional websites built on WordPress or Eleventy.
The completed application will be robust, easy to expand, and secure. We and the Laravel framework grant this.
We handle the graphic and user interface designs. We do our researches about your genre and competition.
If you want to manage your content, you need a great tool to do so. We choose WordPress when it comes to content management.
Vue.js or Alpine.js are the perfect tools to complete Laravel from the front-end side. We make flexible UI with them.
One of the parts of SEO is technical optimization. We will do our best to make it the best as possible.
Development: Laravel, MySQL, Redis, Vue.js, Alpine.js, Bootstrap, Root, Bazar, Spruce CSS, Webpack, Yarn, npm.
Integration: PayPal, Braintree, Stripe, SimplePay, MailChimp, Google Maps, Google Tag Manager.
Server: Netlify, A2 Hosting, Laravel Forge, AWS.
You have a project and you don’t know where to start? Feel free to contact us to discuss you project’s details. Maybe we can help you.